Our Services

  1. Cost Control Process
    Cost Control Process
    Utility markets' charging structures are rooted in monopoly leaving customers with a limited range of options. Our experience shows that our clients may have significant opportunities to make cost reductions through optimisation of their charging structures as well as the potential for recovering historic overcharges following invoicing errors. Ensuring clients are charged accurately and according to appropriate tariff mechanisms is the main aim of MCK.

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  2. Cost Reduction
    Cost Reduction
    Following the presentation of our analysis of cost reductions available through tariff optimisation, MCK will deal directly with utility suppliers to secure the savings. We assume responsibility by working on the clients’ behalf to ensure that any necessary adjustments to charging mechanisms are reflected promptly on supplier invoices. Our aim is to get our clients their cost saving as soon as possible so our clients would have benefited from the saving before they pay us.

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  3. Price Analysis
    Price Analysis
    The cost control process begins with a detailed analysis of the charges claimed by suppliers over the past year. Costs are scrutinised for their accuracy to ensure that metering, transmission and transportation, distribution and supply are all being charged according to the correct supply set-up. Tariffs and options within charging structures are evaluated to investigate every possible saving opportunity. Once completed, we report our findings to the client with the action required to improve charging structures, rectify any anomalies, and recover any overcharges.

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  4. Benefits
    Our experts have both experience and intelligence to help our clients achieve cost saving within the local utility environment. We employ a simple, straightforward and transparent process. We are independent and have no links directly or indirectly with the suppliers, as such we always act in our clients' interest. Our goal is to find real cost solutions that benefit our clients directly. We earn our revenue from the savings we make for our clients. If no saving opportunity is found after our analysis, then our client has benefited from a free cost analysis check, giving the assurance that their utility supplies are at the best possible cost.

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  5. Cost Recovery
    Cost Recovery
    Once all opportunities for the recovery of refunds have been identified, the process of implementation begins. Our Analysts take full responsibility for negotiating with suppliers at all levels to ensure a speedy recovery of all monies, including any compensation payments to which the client is entitled.

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  6. Data Processing
    Data Processing
    Data Processing (DP) is one of the key functions. It is a crucial factor in each stage of the client relationship from the time a client is initially signed up to savings being implemented and invoiced. The key duties of DP include: - Data collection (utility bills and meter data) - Posting of bill data onto internal systems - Sales invoicing - Preliminary analysis

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  7. Benefit

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